Victorian Energy Efficiency Target

The Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) scheme is a Victorian Government initiative promoted as Energy Saver Incentive.

The Australian government is always encouraging and coming up with incredible ways to reduce carbon footprint. The Victorian Energy Upgrades program is one such move that aims at helping Victorians to reduce their power bills significantly while also contributing to making Australia more green and sustainable.

The scheme aims at reducing the emission of greenhouse gases by enabling residential as well as commercial spaces with energy-efficient products.

How does the program work?

This initiative sets a Victoria wide target for saving energy. This is attained by making available energy-efficient products and services to both residential as well as commercial spaces at a discounted price significantly reducing the overall expenditure.

A provider that has relevant accreditation to issue this financial incentive can issue Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs). These certificates are indicative of the savings on greenhouse gases production (the lower is the production of greenhouse gases, the more significant becomes the certificate).

The number of certificates that can issue is largely based on this. It is noteworthy that you will get the price reduction or incentives based on market standards (varying) as well as the certificate pricing.

  • Only a professional approved incentive provider can install the products
  • Incentives for certain appliances might be available during the sale with the participating retailer
  • Always check that your provider is accredited and can handle scheme demands effectively
  • If you are looking for an accredited provider, get in touch with our experts today (Your Green Planet is an accredited provider of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target
  • The program is market-based which means the value of certificates can vary as they depend on supply and demand rates
  • The scheme is applicable subject to stock last. Once product/service availability has exhausted, you will have to wait until the product/services are available again for the scheme

Know your eligibility.

  • Above the age of 18 years
  • Have an electricity account or be the legal representative of an account holder
  • Be a resident of Victoria
  • Shouldn’t have an existing system
  • Must get their products/services from an accredited provider